Arbitration - Current Case: ST-ARB-CASE#7910-4 ( SD : 04/18/15 - EDL : 05/30/15 ) SD= starting date, EDL= expected date legal opinion

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Legend ( left to right ) :

  • Plaintiff # IN-CAN#7910 : Huibert  Arnold
  • Counsel for the Plaintiff IN-CAN#7568 : Peter.J.Dorney
  • The Arbitrator AR-CAN#556 : The Honourable Justice Mr. Dev Richard
  • Counsel for the Defender : NA ( Not applicable )
  • Defender IN-CAN#5731 : Justin Taylor

  •   Click Links :  *Case Overview, *Start Your Dossier, *Preparation of Case, *Processing of Dossiers, *Preparation of Response, *Hearing Case, *Week of Reflection, *Decision by the Arbitrator

         Week #2- Processing of your Case - This page is DE-ACTIVATED ( The data will be stored for future reference once activated )

    This week, counsel of each party can add information to the dossiers until Friday 17.00 p.m. e-Court prefers digitally signed Adobe Acrobat PDF files. For information how to digitally sign PDF files please you can click here.

    Documentary evidence of the allegations:

    Relevant articles of law, jurisprudence and literature:

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    Documentary evidence of the allegations:

    Relevant articles of law, jurisprudence and literature:

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