My e-Court | Start registering your case
Questions? Phone 0800-245679 (25 ct/min)

We believe that traditional jurisdiction in Canada often lasts
too long.

Sometimes months or even years. And you will only know for certain after the fact.

How large will the lawyers bill end up ? With e-Court, you know the duration and the expenses of your trial beforehand. We make the jurisdiction again accessible and affordable. Now you will have time for your other affairs.

I wish to submit a new case

To end a conflict in 8 weeks?
Click here

I have a case but no lawyer

Only lawyers and sollicitors can represent your affairs with e-Court.
Click here

Register as lawyer

Layers can only log in after registration. Thereafter the lawyer can allow its client access to the dossier
Click here

e-Court - the first online court in Canada
e-Court - the first online court in Canada