locate(); $goeCity = $geoplugin->city; ?> e-Court - Online Justice now available in India

alert('Please select any one Membership...!');history.go(-1);"; } else {*/ if($num_rows==0) { $day=$_POST['birthday']; $month=$_POST['birthmonth']; $year=$_POST['birthyear']; $dob = $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day; //$day.'/'.$month.'/'.$year; $d_org=$_POST['d_org']; $m_org=$_POST['m_org']; $y_org=$_POST['y_org']; $dob_est = $y_org.'-'.$m_org.'-'.$d_org; $reg_mail=$_POST['email']; if($_FILES['images']['name']!='') { list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $_FILES['images']['name']); $valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp"); if(in_array($ext,$valid_formats)) { $random_digit=rand(0000,9999); $new_file_name = $random_digit; $f_file_old=mysql_insert_id(); $fname =$new_file_name.$_FILES['images']['name']; $tname=$_FILES['images']['tmp_name']; $src = $_FILES['images']['tmp_name']; $dest ='../Member-Panel/E_CourtUpdates/img/avatars/'; $whitepaper = upload($tname,$dest ,$fname); $data = array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'firstname' => $_POST['firstname'], 'lastname' => $_POST['lastname'], 'password' => $encrypted, 'dob' => $dob, 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'homepage' => $_POST['homepage'], 'adress' => $_POST['adress'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'state_id' => $_POST['state_id'], 'postcode' => $_POST['postcode'], 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'la_id' => $_POST['la_id'], 'prof_id' => $_POST['prof_id'], 'admin_exp' => $_POST['admin_exp'], 'org_date' => $dob_est, 'pro_desc' => $_POST['pro_desc'], 'hobbies' => $_POST['hobbies'], //'news' => $_POST['news'], 'IP_Num' => $_POST['IP_Num'], 'newsletter' => $_POST['newsletter'], //'memShipType' => $_POST['memShipType'], 'approved_status' => 'Pending', 'user_type' => 'Regular', 'online_status' => 'off', 'country_id' => '5', 'reg_type_id' => $reg_type_id, 'images' => $fname ); insert("user",$data); $_SESSION['lastid'] = mysql_insert_id(); $num=$_SESSION['lastid']; $reg_code_in=$reg_code.'-'.'CAN'.'#'.$num; $data2 = array('Mem_num' => $reg_code_in); update("user",$data2,"where user_id='$num'"); //start_insert in verified_register $data3 = array('geolocation' => $goeCity, 'device' => $device, 'ip_add' => $_POST['IP_Num'], 'user_id' => $num, 'browser' => $browser ); insert("verify_register",$data3); //end_insert in verified_register //header("Location: https://www.e-court.co/IN-NET/Member-Panel/E_CourtUpdates/GetClientDetails.php"); REG_mail_fun($reg_mail,$reg_type); } else { $msg = "Please Upload Image With Right Ext."; echo ""; } } else { $fname=''; $data = array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'firstname' => $_POST['firstname'], 'lastname' => $_POST['lastname'], 'password' => $encrypted, 'dob' => $dob, 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'homepage' => $_POST['homepage'], 'adress' => $_POST['adress'], 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'state_id' => $_POST['state_id'], 'postcode' => $_POST['postcode'], 'phone' => $_POST['phone'], 'la_id' => $_POST['la_id'], 'prof_id' => $_POST['prof_id'], 'admin_exp' => $_POST['admin_exp'], 'org_date' => $dob_est, 'pro_desc' => $_POST['pro_desc'], 'hobbies' => $_POST['hobbies'], //'news' => $_POST['news'], 'IP_Num' => $_POST['IP_Num'], 'newsletter' => $_POST['newsletter'], // 'memShipType' => $_POST['memShipType'], 'approved_status' => 'Pending', 'user_type' => 'Regular', 'online_status' => 'off', 'country_id' => '5', 'reg_type_id' => $reg_type_id, 'images' => $fname ); insert("user",$data); $_SESSION['lastid'] = mysql_insert_id(); $num=$_SESSION['lastid']; $reg_code_in=$reg_code.'-'.'CAN'.'#'.$num; $data2 = array('Mem_num' => $reg_code_in); update("user",$data2,"where user_id='$num'"); //start_insert in verified_register $data3 = array('geolocation' => $goeCity, 'device' => $device, 'ip_add' => $_POST['IP_Num'], 'user_id' => $num, 'browser' => $browser ); insert("verify_register",$data3); //end_insert in verified_register //header("Location: https://www.e-court.co/IN-NET/Member-Panel/E_CourtUpdates/GetClientDetails.php"); REG_mail_fun($reg_mail,$reg_type); } } else { echo ""; //window.location.href='https://www.e-court.co/IN-NET/REGIS/Judge.php'; } /* } */ } ?>

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